Press Release December 18th, 2018

OW: Elaine what inspired you to begin a multi-faceted treatment approach of vulnerable individuals in Kapaa?

EA: Kauai offers an environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle and a community to support changes a person needs to go through in order to “be the change”.

OW: What do you mean “be the change”?

EA: If we view a person’s experience of being “stuck” in an event, an emotional state, a pattern of behavior or in managing chronic illness as potentially temporary, they can be assisted to adopt thinking and a belief that everything can lead to a journey of health and ultimately to thriving. As people see that they can facilitate change in their minds, body and spirit they are in fact changing, not just wishing.

OW: So you are saying that anyone can be cured?

EA: I use the word heal as healing can mean redefining one’s experience, state, reduced experience of pain, diminished or elimination of symptoms, or changed attributed meaning to what s/he came in with.

OW: So it seems you didn’t answer my question about cure.

EA: Cure usually means that which ails someone is completely gone with/
or without healing. If healing occurs then people are far less likely to create other symptoms.

OW: So give some examples of what your center has achieved. It is, what, 3 years old?

EA: We have been honored to see people who have slept full night sleep for the first time in years, we have seen people develop trust in themselves and others so they become involved in communities, their families and friends. We have been delighted to see people gain mobility in their physical bodies that was not possible before.

OW: What do you mean by multi -faceted approach?

EA: Expanded use of psychotherapy, including energy approaches, EMDR, neurofeedback. The center is inclusive of acupuncture, Tai Qi, collaborative work with Integrative physicians and Allopathic. There are ongoing support groups to facilitate change, problem solve, educate in varying areas. We also collaborate with the new center for the Environmentally Well. We collaborate with MKMMA as people come through that need help through a stuck area.

OW: So Elaine, if I may, what is your personal life like on Kauai outside of the center?

EA: Thanks for asking. I came to Kauai for a healthy environment as well. My partner and I go on long walks with my dog, enjoying the ocean air and the lush environment. Body surfing has come back to life for me, and am including Kayaking as a new endeavor. Visiting the waterfalls is so invigorating and a delight to share. Going to the Farmer’s Markets to support the local economy and for fresh food is just plain fun.

OW: Thank you for offering this great opportunity for people desiring to keep moving in their journey.

EA: Thank you for your interest in this center and for helping to spread awareness! Thank you very much! Mahalo.

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